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Methane Measurement, Monitoring, and Mitigation PROJECTS

by Transworld Financial

Carbon Recovery Network

PPI /Carbon Recovery Services

Innovative Methane Measurement, Monitoring, and Mitigation Technologies (iM4 Technologies)

In November 2021, President Biden unveiled the U.S. Methane Emissions Reduction Action Plan that redoubled efforts to dramatically reduce U.S. methane emissions while simultaneously cutting consumer costs, protecting workers and communities, growing jobs, and promoting U.S. technology innovation. Aligned with this action was the Administrations pledge that the United States would work with global partners to reduce the worlds methane emissions 30% from 2020 levels by 2030. Second to emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane emissions are the largest contributor to climate change.

The United States has more than two million active, abandoned, or repurposed wells, as well as its oil and natural gas pipeline network, compressor stations, and other oil and gas infrastructure that emit approximately 8 million tonnes of methane annually. Significant progress has been made over the past decade for detecting and quantifying methane emissions at the source using surface-based technologies like hand-held measurement devices and vehicle-based detection sensors, but these technologies cannot quickly assess large areas. Other technologies, such as atmospheric sensing equipment, attached to satellites or manned and unmanned aircraft, can better estimate the volume of methane emissions across wide areas, but these measurements are typically less accurate than surface-based methods.

Selected projects under this funding announcement will help to advance networks of surface-based methane sensor technologies for more timely monitoring of methane emissions across large areas of oil- and natural gas-producing basins. Other projects under this funding opportunity will design an integrated methane monitoring platform that will enable early detection and improved quantification of methane emissions along the entire natural gas supply chain to advance the accuracy of methane emissions estimates.

The overall objective of the planned FOA is to solicit and award multiple Research and Development (R&D) cooperative agreements to accelerate development of emissions mitigation technologies that enable an efficient, resilient and “leak tight” natural gas value chain. Projects will establish integrated networks of surface-based sensor technologies that enable timely monitoring of methane emissions across large areas and determine how to best apply methane emissions monitoring, measurement, and mitigation efforts across oil and natural gas producing regions. Projects will also deliver a well-defined plan for creating an “integrated methane monitoring platform” that will enable early detection and quantification of methane emissions along the natural gas supply chain. Finally, the FOA will seek projects designed to improve the accuracy of methane emissions estimates from upstream crude oil, condensate and produced water storage tanks as a function of their character, configuration and operating conditions.

The Paris Agreement cannot be achieved without reducing methane emissions by 40-45% by 2030.





Project Goal: Create the highest Value Carbon One Tonnes

Project Scope: Target Areas  from Infared

1.Survey Project plot

2.Project Fiber Optic System

3.Satellite Data

4.Field Crew:Ground Confirmation

5. Gas Analysis


7.Mitigation Remediation Services Team Sealicone Squad Solutions 

 WPF – Water Purification Factor

8.Confirmation – Carbon One Tonne Creation

9.Accountant: DKS – Data to Blockchain 

10.Issue Returns for Tax Credits, 

11.Bank: Transworld Financial Inc 


12. Indigenous Energy Company Formation

13.Micro Grid Housing and Energy Rehab Development

 The correct answer is Carbon One Tonne. 

 Carbon Connections

What is Methane?

What You Need to Know About Methane

Methane (CH4), the primary component of natural gas, is responsible for more than 25 per cent of the warming we are experiencing today. (IPCC)

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, with a Global Warming Potential more than 80 times greater than that of carbon dioxide (CO2) during the 20 years after it is released into the atmosphere.

Methane is responsible for around half of the growth in tropospheric ozone formation, a dangerous air pollutant. (UNEP)

The European Union, the United States and Partners have launched the Global Methane Pledge to champion methane mitigation in the short-term. Over 100 countries representing 70% of the global economy have now joined the Pledge and committed to reducing global methane emissions by at least 30 percent from 2020 levels by 2030.

The 1.5°C target cannot be achieved without reducing methane emissions by 40-45% by 2030. Reduction of this magnitude would avoid nearly 0.3° C of warming by 2045 and complement long-term climate change mitigation efforts. (CCAC)

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